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Welcome to Filt

Filt is a Scandinavian production company producing radio and podcasts for public service broadcasters, companies, government bodies and organisations. We have our head office in Stockholm and offices in Copenhagen and Oslo. If you need help to produce a podcast feel free to contact Filt Sthlm below.

Filt Sthlm started in 2002 producing radio shows for P3, the youth station at  Sveriges Radio (Swedish National Radio). Since then the operation has grown and today we produce the weekly shows Kropp och själ (Body & Soul – a health and science programme) and Stil (Style – a fashion and culture programme) and many series for P1 (talk radio), the weekly music show Text & musik for P2 (classical station), the weekly documentary podcast Verkligheten for P3 and radio drama for adults and children. We produce podcasts for major companies such as Telia, for government bodies such as MSB and for NGO:s and other organisations, e.g. Amnesty and RFSU. As a spinoff from the radio and podcast projects we also produce film for social media, documentary films and sometimes audioguides.

Filt Cph started in 2015 in Denmark producing radio for DR (Danish National Radio) and shows include the weekly documentary programme Baglandet for P1 (talk radio), the series Mig & Markus for P3 Dokumentar, the podcast Optimisten for PlanBørnefonden and many series for P1 and podcast, e.g. Dobbeltmordet (crime series),  Djævlen i detaljen (forensic crime series) and Rygtet siger (mystery show).

Filt Oslo started up in 2018 in Norway producing radio drama for NRK and podcasts for companies and institutions.

Filt is managed and owned by the founders.